Category Archives: Media Relations

Doesn’t everyone want to be in the news — for the right reasons. Let’s pinpoint the action the reader will take and craft the story idea accordingly. Make it easy for the reporter to understand how this information will help the public: save time, save money, make more money, save the world or get more JOY out of life.

Trade Magazine and Newsletter Articles Generate 800+ Phone Calls

HotelMore than 80% of hotel revenue is generated by credit card usage each year, so monitoring credit card transaction fees and charges should be a priority for hotel management.

Independent Merchant Group (IMG) reviewed the merchant services statements of two leading hotels and found:

  • unauthorized increases in transaction fees;
  • processing rates and fees that were above-average for the hotel industry;
  • incomplete and confusing terms in the statements.

IMG’s success in auditing the statements and restructuring the credit card processing agreements saved both hotels thousands of dollars; the company continues to monitor the statements to guard against fee changes.

This case study was presented to several hotel industry publications. Three articles on the topic of credit card processing fees generated more than 800 calls from hotel industry professionals. They were eager for IMG to review their credit card processing statements and potentially locate similar savings for them.

If IMG had purchased a list of hotel CFOs and contacted these executives by email and phone, would the company have received a similarly high volume of interest?

Online News Story Sparks Same-Day Settlement Phone Call from Defendant’s Attorney

To achieve progress on a sexual harassment case, the law firm Katz Melinger asked me to prepare a press release about the lawsuit and conduct media outreach. The goal was to put pressure on the attorneys representing the hosts and management of a top-rated cable television show, its production company and the network on which the show aired.

Broadcasting&Cable logoA leading broadcasting industry magazine published an article on its website. Perhaps advertisers, who are often skittish that adverse publicity might affect them also, contacted the network to voice their displeasure with this news.

In less than five hours, the attorney for a defendant contacted Katz Melinger.

Sometimes attorneys in a litigation case need to motivate opposing counsel representing a business. When unfavorable news stories lead that company’s customers to voice their concern and dismay about business practices, it often prompts defense counsel to respond.

TODAY Show Segment Nearly Doubles Website’s Traffic

Today_show_logoWhen a contributor to The TODAY Show mentioned at a social event that an upcoming segment would focus on trends combining gardens and technology, I suggested a website as an example. is a forum and social networking site for gardening enthusiasts to exchange tips, photos and ideas, an unusual combination of gardening and tech. She later interviewed Bryan Powell, founder of the website.

On the day the segment was broadcast, the number of visitors to the website increased 92%, essentially doubled.

Timing is everything. A well-timed pitch, made to a reporter in a casual setting, may lead to a high-profile news story.

Attorney Speaks to CNBC on Presidential Candidate’s Proposal

CNBC_logo.svgPresidential candidate John McCain announced on the morning of June 23, 2008 that he would create a national competition to promote research on alternative automobile batteries.

Attorney James Greenberger had co-chaired a conference on the subject of alternative automobile batteries the month before; I asked him what he thought of McCain’s proposal and the state of industry research.

After quickly developing a snappy pitch, positioning Greenberger as an expert, I contacted auto industry reporters, a group I had not previously targeted. I presented him as a source on the hot topic.

He appeared on CNBC that afternoon.

Watch mid-morning news headlines for topics that related to your industry. Afternoon and evening news reporters may need sources to comment on those stories.