What a year it’s been!
Between the pandemic, climate change and elections, executives in many industries have been tossed on stormy seas and are struggling to right the ship.
Now, reporters at the industry publications your clients read are seeking ideas for a year-end article.
The focus is highlights of the year ending and predictions for the next year.
Industry advisers, observers and attorneys will definitely be quoted in these news articles. Here’s how you can be one of them.
This Month’s Tip
Consider the industries in which your clients operate.
Extrapolate from the obvious topics of the new administration and the pandemic to develop incisive themes with bottom-line consequences.
Look at:
• Trends
• Competition
• Consolidation
• New technology
• Regulation
• Legislation
• Litigation
My e-book, How YOU Can Be the One Reporters Call, walks you through the process of introducing yourself to a reporter.
Plus, the Appendix has questions you might answer to develop these themes.
Will you be the source quoted in the year-end news story? Only when reporters know who you are. Contact me at Janet@JanetLFalk.com , set an appointment here or call me at 212.677.5770. Together, we will gaze into your crystal ball and deliver a newsworthy forecast.
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