Take Marketing Off the Back Burner (8 in a series of 10)

 Team Up for a Win-Win

When you collaborate with a colleague in another profession or a client, you show that you speak the language of that target market.

In these uncertain times, I hope that you, your family and your team continue to make progress.

During this interim period of uncertainty (May 2020), you may seek opportunities for speaking and writing.

Focus on those Marketing initiatives sitting on the back burner. Consider partnering with a colleague or a client for a webinar, podcast appearance or article. Plan to share your insights and speak directly to their peers, as part of your marketing outreach activities.

This is the eighth in a series of tips that help you to continue promoting your services. If your marketing activity sits on the back burner, like this tea kettle, move it to the front.

Collaborate with a client or a colleague for a win-win on all sides.

Perhaps you worked with a client in the technology industry on a non-tech issue. Consider how you might describe the situation you faced: you analyzed the Problem (or Present status); you developed an Action plan and advised on its execution. You achieved short-term Results and monitored the longer term Impact of your efforts. 

You are now prepared to write that experience up as a Case Study, following the P A R I format, working closely with the client.

Others in that sector of tech, whether competitors or colleagues of your client, would likely benefit from both of your perspectives in developing a similar approach and results.

If you want to attract more clients on that order, consider where they might look for a solution to that type of problem: a webinar, a podcast hosted by an industry insider or an article in a trade publication.

Here are some of the anticipated outcomes:
• The co-authorship or co-leader role of your collaborator grants you access to the industry-focused venue and gives you a higher degree of credibility from the perspective of the editor, webinar organizer or podcast host. 
• In turn, the venue provides the audience.
• You connect easily with the collaborator’s contacts in the sector, who recognize that you understand the language and landscape of their business
• You strengthen your relationship with your client.
• You secure a valuable article or appearance for her, granting her status as a thought leader.

You can anticipate similar results when you partner with a colleague in another profession, perhaps an accountant, marketer or financial adviser. 

The following discussions will help you assess projects completed with clients and colleagues to find appropriate examples for case studies, speaking and writing.

Client + You @ Business Meeting = Speaking Success
Client Success Becomes a Case Study and Article
Why You Should Co-Lead a Workshop with a Colleague
Your Co-Authored Article Reaches Influencers of Your Target Market

Here are all the resources on one sheet.


Who might you partner with on this case study/publication/speaking project? Start by reflecting on the work you most enjoyed or found most remunerative and where you wish to secure more engagements. Now, create a list of those previous clients who deemed your services and advice a resounding success. Add to it other professionals who collaborated in a key component of the project. Perhaps vendors who contributed substantively to the outcome might be valuable collaborators in this case study as well.

Here’s the list of the 10 articles in this series


Are you ready to write up a case study, and take it to an industry publication, webinar or podcast with a client or colleague as your partner? Contact me at Janet@JanetLFalk.com,set an appointment here or call me at 212.677.5770 to get started. Let’s consider some case study topics and go for the win-win.

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(This discussion has been lightly edited for updated content.)
Image Credit: Omar Rodriguez