Don’t let the reader walk away without connecting or downloading a sample.
Everyone has a business problem and you might represent the solution to their concern. That’s why you have:
- a website
- a LinkedIn profile for yourself and also for your company
- a Facebook page for your company
- an X (Twitter) account, Instagram, etc.
You use the Internet platforms relevant to your target market so that you can be found.
It’s a strange phenomenon. People will check your presence online to confirm that you are the professional that they heard about, regardless of how your name came to their attention.
Even though they know that you (or someone you hired) wrote every word, the text somehow seems factual when viewed on the Internet. It doesn’t seem like marketing, although it is.
Wherever and whenever you can, show you are the right person to take on an assignment.
Deploy a more subtle form of self-promotion.
Create and share materials that demonstrate YOU are the resource that you claim to be:
- your newsletter
- articles
- samples and tip sheets
- blog
- speaking engagements
- testimonials and recommendations
- list of clients by industry
This is where my refrain Make it Easy to Say YES. Make it Hard to Say NO comes into play.
When a potential client sees that you have:
- a newsletter, article, blog post or webinar about solving a problem similar to the one they face
- a checklist they can share with a colleague, supervisor or family member
- a former client in their local market or industry
they will consider YOU as a potential resource to solve the issue.
They will not leave your site or LinkedIn profile empty-handed, because they will have engaged with your materials and the proof of your success, on some level.
They will be prompted to call you, send an email, sign up for your newsletter or download helpful information.
On the other hand, when you don’t display these enticements, you effectively allow someone to set you aside and turn instead to the consultant or company that does provide such samples.
This Month’s Tip
How will the visitor to your website or LinkedIn profile confirm you are a trusted resource?
- Make it easy to contact you by putting your phone number and a link to an email address on EVERY PAGE of your website, in addition to a Contact page. Simply place them in a colored border at the top of the page. Put them on your LinkedIn profile, Facebook page and other digital assets, too.
- Display ALL your newsletters on your website, not only the current issue. (The person you met in July may find your March newsletter of interest.)
- Create a downloadable tip sheet, with your contact information and logo. (You may choose to require an email address first.)
- Save your published articles and guest blog posts as PDFs with the notation As previously published and the appropriate copyright. Assemble them in one place on your website for easy download.
- Create a list of your appearances on podcasts and speaking engagements.
How quickly can someone say YES to YOU? Review this checklist to confirm your contact information is omnipresent on your website and other digital assets. Confirm that your newsletter, articles and tip sheets are clearly displayed and promoted. Contact me at , book an appointment here or call me at 212.677.5770. Together we’ll make it easier to say YES to your services.
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