News coverage and follow-up beget a replay.
Timing is everything in the marketplace.
After the March product announcement of PeriClean, a toothbrush designed to help people brush smarter for healthier gums, was published in Dental Products Report, the story was not posted in the online publication.
Every week or so, a quick website check, followed by a gentle email and/or phone message to the editor, kept the digital status of the article in play until it finally was published on the website in mid-April.
What a delightful surprise, then, to see the wrap-up of Top 5 new dental products for healthy gums in the online May issue included the PeriClean toothbrush!
Yes, it was lucky that the reporter focused on healthy gums and it was a good effort to have snagged the attention of Dental Products Report in the first place.
Perhaps it was killing the editor with kindness to get the product announcement online that made the replay of the news story happen.
In the trade-off between lucky and good, it’s polite persistence that wins.
You can improve your luck with news coverage simply by being more visible to reporters. Contact me at, set an appointment here or call me at 212.677.5770.
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