Step up to the microphone.
You may recall the phrase Why HER and Not Me?, which I often cite in connection with being quoted in the news media.
That same question applies to guests on podcasts as well.
These digitally recorded audio sessions may be an appropriate platform for you to promote your services and products. Like industry publications, podcasts are focused on a defined audience that is eager for information about how to Save Time, Save Money and Make More Money in business.
You don’t need to create your own show to jump on the podcast bandwagon. Instead, capitalize on the many podcasts that already serve your target market and offer to be a guest.
Podcast hosts are always looking for professionals who can share valuable insights with their audience. Indeed, speaking on a podcast is similar to leading a workshop or a webinar, in terms of your preparation and presentation.
In one week, recently, I recorded two sessions on legal marketing podcasts, plus I booked a date for another show.
I had not met nor corresponded with these hosts previously. I simply introduced myself via email as a Public Relations professional whose experience advising lawyers would be of value to their listeners.
Here’s the message I used to get the hosts’ attention, with some commentary:
Your podcast caught my eye (and ear) as a source of best practices in Marketing and Communications for attorneys.
(Clearly state that you listened to prior podcast episodes.)
As a Public Relations professional, I advise attorneys on using Media Relations, Marketing and Networking to grow their practice. Other goals include keeping in touch with contacts and referral sources, attracting employees to the firm and promoting pro bono and collaborative work.
(Here’s why the podcaster should interview you.)
Perhaps your audience would find my tips and perspective helpful.
Sample topics are:
- A complex idea that people need to know more about
- A strategy that few are doing correctly
- A tactic that will make you stand out among your peers
I have previously spoken on these podcasts and at events serving the legal market:
- Names of podcasts
- Professional membership group
- Local business networking group
(With these hot topics and your proven experience as a speaker, who can turn you down as a guest? Even if you have not been on a podcast before.)
Please let me know of your interest in having me as a guest on your podcast, which I will then promote on social media, in advance and after the broadcast.
(You will share the episode with your audience and thereby grow the podcaster’s listener base.)
Janet Falk
Now, imagine yourself in the podcast host’s seat. Every week (or two), you need to locate speakers whose background and insights will interest your listeners. Where will you find them?
You receive an unsolicited email from someone who has experience in your field and appears to be an authoritative source. She mentions some scintillating topics that you have not covered recently, if at all. You review her website and deem her to be a potential guest.
All that remains is to reply to the introductory email, schedule a preparatory call and set the date to record the podcast.
Voila! Now that you are off on the adventure of being a podcast guest, you can use these tips: It’s Showtime! Prepare for a Podcast.
This Month’s Tip
Search online directories to find the podcasts most relevant to your target market. Start with these listings, as compiled by Ilise Benun of
In addition, you might search the web for Ten Best Podcasts in (name of industry).
Ready to introduce yourself to the podcast world? Let’s consider timely topics that would be compelling to your target market and then discover where they might be listening for advice. Contact me at , set an appointment here or call me at 212.677.5770 and we’ll develop a plan. Together, we’ll get you ready for prime time.
See also Use Reverse Engineering to Book More Podcast Spots.
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