Holiday Greetings

You’ve sent holiday greeting cards to clients, referral sources and vendors for ages.

If you did not send a card this year, would anyone notice?

Does your card truly reflect your organization and how it is different from another?

Make sure your holiday card is memorable and could not be mistaken for one sent by a competitor — or a dentist.

Here are four thoughts on how your holiday card will stand out from the crowd as a Holiday Relationship card or e-card.

  1. Select an image for a designer to use on a standard card format. Place a white border around the picture. In that white frame, above and below the picture, place text with a seasonal greeting. In the lower left corner of the frame, place your logo. This white border makes the card stand out from all the other cards with full-bleed images. It also subtly indicates your organization as the sender; there’s no need to open the card and see who it is from. Add a warm message celebrating your connection inside the card. Place a description of the group or company on the back, with address, phone and website URL. Here’s an example.
  2. For an e-card, use an image of your team members in action to convey the value and benefit of working with your group. Keep the body of the email short; this is a card, not a newsletter. The subject line should convey appreciation for the relationship during the year.
  3. If you have a bigger budget, you can design a  memorable card that captures the spirit and brand of your organization, like one produced for the Staten Island Historical Society.
  4. My personal favorite is to send a distinctive e-card. I write a holiday haiku as a special newsletter, often with a related image. This 17-syllable poem, with reference to nature and  a change of mood, is technically difficult. That challenge aligns with my brand of skilled writing for impact. It’s now a tradition; recipients tell me they anticipate receiving it as a signal of the holiday season, which is the ultimate compliment.

My card was cited by PR Daily as one of its top PR holiday greeting cards in 2017 as a lesson of keep it short and sweet. See the collection of Holiday Haikus here.

For additional discussion, see:
Choose Your Pandemic Holiday Card
Create  a Holiday Card That Gets Noticed
Make YOUR Holiday Card Memorable.

Plan ahead for your holiday season. Call me at 212.677.5770 or email me a pdf of your latest card to